Of course, they loved playing toghether too.:)
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Classes 8. are in the Nursery
Of course, they loved playing toghether too.:)
Drawing Competition: Botond-legend
We have participated in a drawing competition. The theme was a Hungarian legend hero called Botond. Look at the story of him and enjoy the best pictures.
"Botond megöli a Görög vitézt
A középkori krónikákban is feljegyzettek szerint a Bizánc kapui elé vonuló magyarok elé kiállt egy hatalmas termetű görög vitéz, aki kijelentette, hogy ha őt két magyar legyőzi, a görög császár adót fog fizetni a magyaroknak. A görög ellen a kis termetű Botond állt ki a magyarok közül, aki előbb Apor vezér utasítására bárdjával bevágta Bizánc érckapuját, akkora rést vágva rajta, melyen egy gyermek ki- és bejárhatott, majd egyórás küzdelem után megölte ellenfelét.
Botond killed the Greek warrior
According to the medieval chronicles, when Hungarians marched in front of the gates of Byzantium, a giant Greek warrior stood against them. He declared that if he defeats two Hungarian soldiers, Greek emperor will pay taxes for the Hungarians. The small Botond stood up against the giant warrior from the Hungarians. Botond first got an instruction from Apor leader to hit the Byzantium’s brass door and he did. He cut a big hole into it, so a child could go in and out and then with a one hour fighting Botond won and killed his Greek enemy."
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Portugal Reminders
Folkmusic Singers' Competition
Into the jury our principal invited a famous folkmusic singer, Mária Mackó, who lives close to Gödöllő. She was very happy to hear such wonderful songs from children, especially from whole classes. The jury liked the extra dances and funny performances very much. Finally, Mária gave nice glazed ceramic presents to the winner classes.

Saturday, 14 August 2010
The local folk museum in Tura

Tura is a nice little town about 30 km far from Gödöllő. With some students we visited the local folk museum which is situated in the centre of Tura, inside a typical cottage.
We got some information about the life of our ancestors. It was really interesting. Just for fun, a boy and a girl got dressed in a day-wear folk costume.
Puppet Museum
Enjoy the pictures!:)
Folk Traditions in Hungary
The architectural models and posters are made by children from Class 6.