We began our new academic year of 2010/2011 on September 14, learning and playing some Portuguese traditional games.
Since we had such a wonderful time, we would like to share some photos of that day with you.
Good Academic Year to all!
We give you the description of the game, so that you can also learn to play.
QUOITS (rules)
Quoits is a traditional game played by both men and women.
Quoits is played in a field of land about 20 meters long, with a metal disc (an “iron cookie” about 7 centimeters thick and 12 centimeters in diameter, with a hole in the middle) and two pins (made of wood, about 15 centimeters high and 6 centimeters in diameter, sharpened at the top). It is played by two teams minimum; each team should have at least 2 players (maximum 5).
The pins are placed at one side of the field, about 15 meters distance between them. Each team is placed in front of each pin. The main goal of the game is to throw the disk to knock down the pins, or to leave it as close as possible from them. Each time the pin is knocked down scores 6 point; each time the disc falls down near the pin scores 3 points.
The game consists of three matches and each match comes to an end when a team scores 30 points. Three matches are needed to complete a game and the winner team needs to win two matches (scoring 60 points).
- Sandra Conde - 3º H